Parametrizing ACT-Based Properties in Extensions

To define an ACT property as a parameter in the extension's XML, you add the attribute isparameter and set it to true. By default, an ACT property is created as an input parameter. To define it as an output parameter, you set the attribute readonly to true.

When you define a property as a parameter, it is not parameterized by default. Defining a property as a parameter only makes parameterization possible by adding a check box to the Ansys product. To actually parameterize the property, you must select the check box that the attribute isparameter makes available in the product.

Once you select a parameter for parameterization, it is automatically sent to the Parameter Set bar in the Workbench Project Schematic. You can view it in both the Outline and Table panes for the Parameter Set bar. While output parameters are read-only, you can set input parameters from ACT in the same way as any other input parameter. For example, you can:

  • Change the unit of the parameterized input property. The unit proposed respects the type of unit specified in the XML file.

  • Add a design point for the input parameter by clicking in the bottom row of the design points table.

  • Modify the value of a design point by selecting an input parameter and entering a new value. However, the type of value must respect the one specified in the XML file. As such, design point values in the previous value must be floats. They cannot be strings.

There should be at least one input parameter and one output parameter. When you finish setting up the system and working with parameters and design point values, you can solve the problem by updating the design points for the Parameter Set bar.