ACT Reference Documentation

ACT supplies the following reference documentation:

  • ACT API Reference Guide: Provides interface-level API information for ACT.

  • ACT XML Reference Guide: Provides XML element definition and tagging information for ACT.

  • Workbench Scripting Guide: Provides a general introduction to journaling and scripting capabilities that can be used in some customizations. Also contains product-specific data container information.

  • Ansys ACT API and XML Online Reference Guide: Provides an easy-to-navigate HTML document in which you can quickly look up all three levels of API information (global, automation, and object), along with XML element definition and tagging information. This online version is the recommended reference document for ACT developers. If you want, you can download a ZIP file containing this document. Additionally, the help panel for the ACT Start Page provides links for both the online and downloadable versions.