
Defines the user interface for the extension.

<extension version="[version id (integer)]" name="[extension name (string)]"               
  <interface context="[Project | Mechanical]">   

Child tags for the element <interface>


Specifies the callbacks that invoke functions from the IronPython extension script.


Defines a filter.


Defines the default folder where images to be used by the extension are stored.



Defines a toolbar.

 <toolbar name="[toolbar internal name (string)]" caption="[toolbar display name (string)]">

Attributes for the element <interface>


Context or combination of contexts (separated using '|') for the interface.


context="[context name]”

Callbacks for the element <interface>


Called to collect commands to add to the solver input file. The attribute location indicates where the commands are to be inserted. The attribute location can be set to any of these values: init, pre, post, solve, and preload:

<getcommands> location="[init | pre | post | solve | preload">[function(analysis,stream)]</getcommands>


Called to check if an analysis is valid.



Called when the active object is changed.


Called after the geometry has been updated.


Called after the object has been removed.


Called after an analysis has been solved.



Called before the geometry is starts to update.


Called before an analysis starts to solve.



Called when the body suppress state has been changed.


Called when the application is drawn.


Called when the application is drawn.



Called when the given context is initialized.

<oninit>[function name(application context)] </oninit>


Called when a project is loaded.



Called when the mesh is cleaned.


Called when the mesh is generated.


Called when the postprocessing ends for a given analysis.



Called when the postprocessing starts for a given analysis.



Called when the application is fully loaded and in a "ready" state.


Called when the project is saved.



Called when the given context is terminated.



Called when a project is loaded.

<resume>[function(binary reader)]</resume>


Called when a project is saved.

<save>[function(binary writer)]</save>