Creating the Extension for Custom Transfer

The file CustomTransfer.xml follows.

<extension version="1" name="CustomTransfer">
    <guid shortid="CustomTransfer">69d0095b-e138-4841-a13a-de12238c83f3</guid>
    <script src="" />
    <interface context="Project">
      <workflow name="wf4" context="Project" version="1">
            <task name="Producer" caption="Producer" icon="test_component" version="1">
                    <output format="" type="MyData"/>
            <task name="Consumer" caption="consumer" icon="test_component" version="1">
                    <input format="" type="MyData"/>
            <taskgroup name="Producer" caption="Producer" icon="producer_system" category="ACT Custom Workflows" abbreviation="Producer" version="1">
                <includeTask name="Producer" caption="Producer"/>
            <taskgroup name="Consumer" caption="Consumer" icon="consumer_system" category="ACT Custom Workflows" abbreviation="Consumer" version="1">
                <includeTask name="Consumer" caption="Consumer"/>
            <taskgroup name="CompleteTransfer" caption="CompleteTransfer" icon="consumer_system" category="ACT Custom Workflows" abbreviation="CompleteTransfer" version="1">
                <includeTask name="Producer" caption="Producer"/>
                <includeTask name="Consumer" caption="Consumer"/>

This XML file defines custom task groups named Producer, Consumer, and CompleteTransfer, all of which appear in the Workbench Toolbox.


It performs the following actions:

  • References the IronPython script

  • Defines two tasks in the element <tasks>: Producer and Consumer.

  • Defines three task groups in the element <taskgroups>: Producer, Consumer, and CompleteTransfer. The task groups Producer and Consumer each contain a single task. The task group CompleteTransfer contains two tasks.