Defining Functions for the SpaceClaim Wizard for Building a Bridge

The IronPython script follows. This script defines all functions executed by the callbacks in the steps for the SpaceClaim wizard CreateBridge.

import units

def createBox(xa, ya, za, xb, yb, zb):
    win = Window.ActiveWindow
    context = win.ActiveContext
    part = context.ActivePart

    lengthX = xb - xa
    lengthY = yb - ya
    lengthZ = zb - za
    xa = xa + lengthX * 0.5
    ya = ya + lengthY * 0.5

    p = Geometry.PointUV.Create(0, 0)
    body = Modeler.Body.ExtrudeProfile(Geometry.RectangleProfile(Geometry.Plane.PlaneXY, lengthX, 
lengthY, p, 0), lengthZ)
    designBody = DesignBody.Create(part, "body", body)

    translation = Geometry.Matrix.CreateTranslation(Geometry.Vector.Create(xa, ya, za))

def UpdateDeckSC(step):
    length = step.Properties["Deck/Length"].Value
    width = step.Properties["Deck/Width"].Value
    num = step.Properties["Deck/Beams"].Value

    createBox(0., -width/2., -0.3, length,width/2., 0.)

    w = (length-0.1*num)/(num-1.)+0.1
    for i in range(num-1):
        createBox(i*w,-width/2.,-0.6, i*w+0.1,width/2.,-0.3)

    createBox(length-0.1, -width/2., -0.6, length, width/2., -0.3)

    createBox(0., -width/2., -1., length, -width/2.+0.2, -0.6)
    createBox(0., width/2.-0.2, -1., length,width/2., -0.6)

    return True

def UpdateSupportsSC(step):
    length = step.PreviousStep.Properties["Deck/Length"].Value
    width = step.PreviousStep.Properties["Deck/Width"].Value
    height = step.Properties["Supports/Height"].Value
    num = step.Properties["Supports/Number"].Value

    w = (length-2.*num)/(num+1.)+2.
    for i in range(num):
        createBox((i+1)*w, -width/2., -1.-height, (i+1)*w+2., width/2.,-1.)

    beamGen = createBox(0., -width/2., -5., 2., width/2., -1.)
    beamGen = createBox(length-2., -width/2.,-5., length,width/2., -1.)

    return True