Creating a Custom Result (Normal Stress)

The supplied extension Stresses can be used to calculate normal stresses, both unaveraged and averaged, for a given system. This extension is meant to demonstrate the capability of custom results. Because normal stress is a result that is already available through Mechanical, you can validate the result from this custom extension against the Mechanical result.

Creating the Extension for the Custom Result (Normal Stress)

The file Stresses.xml follows.

<extension version="1" name="Stress Postprocessing"> 
    <guid shortid="Stresses">a1844c3c-b65c-444c-a5ad-13215a9f0413</guid> 
    <script src="" /> 

    <interface context="Mechanical"> 
        <toolbar name="Normal Stress" caption="Normal Stress"> 
            <entry name="Normal Stress" icon="result"> 

    <simdata context="Mechanical"> 
        <result name="Normal Stress" version="1" caption="Normal Stress" unit="Stress" icon="result" location="elemnode" type="scalar"> 
            <property name="Geometry" caption="Geometry" control="scoping"></property> 
            <property name="Orientation" caption="Orientation" control="select" default="X Axis"> 
                <attributes options="X Axis,Y Axis,Z Axis"></attributes> 
            <property name="DisplayOption" caption="Display option" control="select" default="Unaveraged"> 
                <attributes options="Unaveraged,Averaged"></attributes> 

The various blocks within this file are as follows:


Denotes a new interface being added to Mechanical.


Adds a new toolbar to the Mechanical ribbon.


Adds a new button in the toolbar.


Denotes the function to call when the toolbar button is clicked.


Encapsulates the information needed for the custom result.


Encapsulates the details of the custom result, such as the name, unit, type, location, and so on. The type can be set to scalar or vector. The location can be set to node, element or elemnodal.

<property>...</property >

Adds a custom property to the custom result. The control and attributes can be used to specify details about the property, such as type, dropdown entries, and so on.

<evaluate>...</evaluate >

Denotes the function to call when the custom result is evaluated.

Defining Functions for the Custom Result (Normal Stress)

The IronPython script for this extension follows.

import units 
import math 

# Custom Result Object Creation 
def CreateNormalStressResult(analysis): 
    analysis.CreateResultObject("Normal Stress", ExtAPI.ExtensionManager.CurrentExtension) 

# Change averaging option 
def ChangeDisplayOption(result,prop): 
    displayOpt = result.Properties["DisplayOption"].Value 
    if displayOpt == "Unaveraged": 
        result.ResultAveraging = ResultAveragingEnum.Unaverage 
    elif displayOpt == "Averaged": 
        result.ResultAveraging = ResultAveragingEnum.Average 

# Custom Result Object Evaluation 
def EvaluateNormalStress(result,stepInfo,collector): 
    '''Evaluates Normal Stress as a custom result, with different averaging options.''' 

    # Reader initialization 
    reader = result.Analysis.GetResultsData()     
    reader.CurrentResultSet = stepInfo.Set 

    # Get the requested orientation 
    orientation = "" 
    orientation_prop = result.Properties["Orientation"].Value 
    if orientation_prop == "X Axis": 
        orientation = "X" 
    elif orientation_prop == "Y Axis": 
        orientation = "Y" 
    elif orientation_prop == "Z Axis": 
        orientation = "Z" 

    # Get the stress result from the reader 
    stress = reader.GetResult("S") 

    # Get the unit conversion factor 
    result_unit = stress.GetComponentInfo(orientation).Unit 
    conv_factor = units.ConvertUnit(1., result_unit, "Pa", "Stress")    
    # Calculate and plot result 
    for elem_id in collector.Ids: 
        elem_vals = stress.GetElementValues(elem_id) 
        # Use unit conversion factor 
        for value in elem_vals: 

        # set values to collector 
        collector.SetValues(elem_id, values)

This script defines all of the callback functions that are invoked in the previous XML file:


This function creates a custom result object in the Mechanical tree.


This function toggles the display options of the custom result object.


This function evaluates and displays the normal stresses.

Retrieving and Storing Results for the Custom Result (Normal Stress)

Using the Result Reader interface, you can retrieve results for the calculated normal stresses. The reader is initialized as follows:

reader = result.Analysis.GetResultsData()

Once the reader is initialized, you can extract specific results from the reader as follows:

stress = reader.GetResult(“S”) 
elemVals = stress.GetElementValues(elem_id)  #or GetNodeValues(node_id) for nodal results

After retrieving the nodal or element result values, you can perform any necessary postprocessing on these results. After postprocessing, you can use the Result Collector interface to store the results in Mechanical. You use the result collector as follows:


Returns the node or element IDs that the custom results are requested for based on your chosen scoping.

collector.SetValues(id, val)

Stores the custom result value for this node or element ID.

Once custom result values are stored in the Result Collector, the requested contours are automatically computed and displayed when the callback <evaluate> is executed.