Import from / Export to CSV File

The CSV interface allows you to create a comma separated value file to be edited in a spreadsheet program such as Excel or OpenOffice. This can be efficient if you wish to edit the parameters of many plies.

For additional information on the format, see CSV Format. Export

All the information are exported to a .csv file. This file can be used to give the lay-up information back to a CAD System or can be modified and imported. Import

The modified .csv file can be imported. There are three different import options to handle the update of the lay-up:

  • Update Lay-up: During the import operation, definitions are updated, additional plies are generated and deleted according to the .csv file.

  • Update Properties Only: During the import operation, definitions are updated with properties given.

  • Recreate Lay-up: During the import operation, existing lay-up is deleted and generated from scratch.

Figure 2.93: CSV Import with Update Options

CSV Import with Update Options