Analysis Options

The options Offset is Middle and Consider Coupling Effect allow you to modify the evaluation of the laminate properties.

  • Offset is Middle: This option moves the reference plane of the laminate to the middle (default: True). This option is useful since the layers in a FE analysis mostly have one offset direction and hence the reference plane is at the top or bottom of the laminate. This option reduces the coupling effect between in-plane and bending forces. It considers the results of the stiffness and compliance matrices, polar properties, and laminate engineering constants.

  • Consider Coupling Effect: The polar properties and laminate engineering constants are derived from the laminate compliance matrix (inverse ABD matrix) where, by default, the coupling effect is considered (default: True). This option allows you to neglect this effect which causes the polar properties and laminate engineering constants to represent the values of a symmetrically balanced laminate. Note that the coupling effect can significantly reduce the polar properties and laminate engineering constants.