The strength of materials and material systems under multiaxial
loads can be predicted based on different failure criteria. Failure
criteria relate the material strength allowables, defined for uniaxial
tension-compression and shear, to the general stress-strain state
due to multiaxial loads. Typically failure criteria are presented
as mathematical expressions called failure criterion functions , which are
functions of the stresses (or strains) and the material strength.
The values of failure criterion functions change with load similarly
as the inverse reserve factor (values below one are non-critical and
one indicates failure). However, the values are generally not equal
except at the failure point. The reserve factor describes
the distance from the point of the applied load to the failure
point. Typically a numeric line search method is used for determining
the value of
based on the selected
failure criterion, stresses and strains due to the applied load, and
material strength allowables.