Analyzing Stray Light

The following procedure helps you analyze the stray light thanks to Virtual Photometric Lab and Light Expert.

To analyze Stray Light:

  1. Right-click the *.lpf result file to open the Light Expert and the XMP map in Virtual Photometric Lab.
  2. In Virtual Photometric Lab, select the sequences and define the measures to make the analysis.
    • To display the contribution of a sequence on the map: in the Layer list, select a sequence.
    • To display the contribution of a sequence in the 3D view: use the Light Expert and select a sequence in the Layer list.

      Note: When the number of sequences found and displayed in the Layer list is lower than the maximum number of sequences asked, the All other sequences layer is empty.
    • To display the rays in the 3D view, open the Measure tool and specify measure areas on the XMP map.
    • To combine sequences in the XMP map, use the Virtual Lighting controller.
    • In Tools, select Sequence Detection to see the interactions of each sequence with the elements.

    Note: The Sequence Detection Tool is not compatible with faceted geometries as the multiple faces of the faceted geometries are not detected.
    Note: When elements (faces or geometries) are hidden behind other elements in the 3D view, when using Sequence Detection, they can be highlighted only when the rendering mode manages transparency. Click the face in the List of interactions to highlight it in the 3D view.

    Make sure to activate the component (or sub-component) in which the simulation is located if you want to highlight faces or geometries with the Sequence Detection tool.

    Note: From Speos 2018, separating data by sequence generates a .OPTSequence file containing the sequences data used to display sequences in the xmp map.