YAML Sensor Properties File Template

The YAML Sensor Properties File template can be automatically generated thanks to the Speos Sensor System Exporter:

In the Windows cmd prompt, enter the following command line: "SSSExporter.exe" Generate_Templates

EMVA Standard version: 3.1     # 3.1, 4.0-Linear or 4.0-General (only 3.1 supported in 2022-R2)
  Vendor:                      # Name of the manufacturer (Optional)
  Camera:                      # Name of the camera (Optional)
  Sensor:                      # Name of the sensor (Optional)
  type:                        # Sensor type (CMOS, CDD, other) (Optional)
Operating Conditions:
    Unit:                      # in Db or RN (RN for Real Number)
    Unit:                      # in DN only  (DN for Digital Number)
  Exposure Time:
    Unit:                      # s, ms, us (do not use 'µ')
    Unit:                      # in C or K
  Resolution:                  # Number of pixels (i, j)
    H:                         # value or Auto (if auto, then calculated from speos map resolution)
    V:                         # value or Auto (if auto, then calculated from speos map resolution)
  Pixel Size:                  # in µm only
    H:                         # value or Auto (if auto, then calculated from speos map resolution and size)
    V:                         # value or Auto (if auto, then calculated from speos map resolution and size)
  Bits depth:                  # ADC capacity (possible values: 8, 10, 12, 14, 16)
  Speckle removing:            # False or threshold ratio
  Colorimetric Filtering:      # True or False
Lumerical data:                # None or link to *.json file (if present 'IR & UV Filter', 'Quantum Efficiency' and 'Bayer Matrix' fields are ignored and must be set to 'From Lumerical data')
EMVA data:
  IR & UV Filter:
    Filename:                  # None or link to a *.spectrum file or From Lumerical data
    Unit:                      # 'Percentage' or 'O to 1'
  Quantum Efficiency:          #(nu)  or  From Lumerical data 
    Filename:                  # link to a *.spectrum file
    Unit:                      # 'Percentage' or 'O to 1'
  Bayer Matrix:
    Type:                      # None or i*j (with i and j for bayer structure size) or From Lumerical data
    #(example for a 2x2 bayer structure size)
    00 spectrum:               # link to *.spectrum file  
    01 spectrum:               # link to *.spectrum file
    10 spectrum:               # link to *.spectrum file
    11 spectrum:               # link to *.spectrum file
    Unit:                      # 'Percentage' or 'O to 1'
  System Gain:                 # Overall system Gain (K)
    Unit:                      # 'DN/electron'
  Temporal Dark Noise:         # (sigma_d or sigma_y.dark)
    Unit:                      # 'electron' or 'bits' or 'dB'
  AST:                         # Absolute sensitivity threshold
    Unit:                      # 'electron' or 'photon'
    Wavelength:                # in nm (used only in case of given unit in photon)
  DR:                          # Dynamic Range
    Unit:                      # 'DN' or 'bits' or 'dB'
  Dark Current:
      Unit:                    # 'electron/s'
    Standard Variation:
      Unit:                    # 'electron/s'
    Td:                        # Doubling Temperature Interval
      Unit:                    # 'K' or 'C'
    Tref:                      # reference temperature
      Unit:                    # 'K' or 'C'
  Spatial Non Uniformity:
      Unit:                    # 'DN'
      Unit:                    # 'Percentage'
  Demosaizing Method:          # bilinear, Malvar2004, Menon2007, DDFAPD
    Type:                      # None, 'Table' or 'Polynome'
    Data:                      # [] if 'None', lookup table from 0 to max DN value if 'Table', DN_out = sum(Pi*(DN_in)**i) if 'Polynome'
    Black Level:               # None, Auto or Digital Number coded on 16bits  (only for DNG output)
    White Level:               # None, Auto or Digital Number coded on 16bits  (only for DNG output)
  Orientation:                 # 1: normal, 3: 180° rotation. See Tiff-Ep 6 specifications for other referenced values
  Color Saturation Correction: # True or False
    Shoot Illuminant:
      Type:                    # File or Predefined
      Data:                    # link to *.spectrum file or Predefined Illuminant: A, B, C, D50, D55, D65, D75 
      Unit:                    # Percentage or O to 1 or NA (for Predefined)
    Color Space:               #development Color Space: sRGB, Adobe RGB (1998), Apple RGB, Best RGB, Beta RGB, Bruce RGB, CIE RGB, ColorMatch RGB, Don RGB 4, ECI RGB v2, Ekta Space PS5, NTSC RGB, PAL/SECAM RGB, ProPhoto RGB, SMPTE-C RGB, Wide Gamut RGB  
    # Adaptation Method:       # XYZ Scaling, Bradford, Von Kries 
    # Configuration x:         # this section is automatically filled
    #   Illuminant:
    #     Data:                # Shoot Illuminant data
    #       Wavelengths:
    #       Values:
    #       XYZ: 
    #   Color Space:           # sRGB, Adobe RGB (1998), Apple RGB, Best RGB, Beta RGB, Bruce RGB, CIE RGB, ColorMatch RGB, Don RGB 4, ECI RGB v2, Ekta Space PS5, NTSC RGB, PAL/SECAM RGB, ProPhoto RGB, SMPTE-C RGB, Wide Gamut RGB
    #   Adaptation Method:
    #   Camera Neutral:        # [x, x, x]
    #   Color Calibration:     # [[x, x, x],[x, x, x],[x, x, x]] 
    Configuration x:           # please leave this line as it is.