Mode: Given Files


With the Given files mode:
  • Exposure maps to process are explicitly given to the Speos Sensor System Exporter.
  • Each process is referenced with the key Set and a number.

       Set 0:
       Set 1:
       Set n:
  • Each Set can be processed with a specific sensor, conditions and export options.
  • A Set key contains a list of sub keys.
  • The first Set index must be 0, then next Set are continuously incremented.

Example of a Set Key

   Set 0:
      Exposure maps: Inputs/Sim - Cube.Camera.Exposure 0EV.xmp
      Sensor: Inputs/Sensor 4ms.yaml
      Output folder: 'Outputs/LDRI'
      Rename: LDRI 0EV
      Raw export: ['xmp', 'dng']
      Processed export: ['png']

Key for Set

Exposure maps

The Exposure maps key is a link to one Speos Exposure Map or Tuple of links to Exposures Maps. Tuples are used in case of HDRI processing (several Exposure Maps used to generate a single high dynamic range image).

Single map example

Exposure maps: c:/exposure_map.xmp

Tuple of maps example

Exposure maps: ['c:/exposure_map_1.xmp',.., 'c:/exposure_map_3.xmp']


The Sensor key is the link to one sensor file or Tuple of links to sensor. Tuples are used in case of HDRI processing (in this case, you must specify a same number of sensors as number of maps).

Single sensor example

Sensor: 'c:/temp/sensor.yaml'

Tuple of sensors example

Sensor: ['c:/temp/sensor_1.yaml', ..., 'c:/temp/sensor_3.yaml']

Output folder

The Output folder corresponds to the folder where results are saved.

Output folder: # path to output folder


Rename: by default, results have a same name basis as the input exposure map. Then a suffix is added:
  • _electron_ for Electronic export
  • _noise_ for noise export
  • _raw_ for raw export
  • _developed_ for developed export

If specified as string, the name basis can be replaced. This is particularly useful if several Sets are based on the same exposure map.


5 different types of export are available. For each export, a tuple can be set to indicate the output file format required:
  • Electron export

    Note: Electron export corresponds to the Noise export and the Signal export combined.
  • Noise export
  • Raw export
  • Processed export
  • Signal export
Raw export: []          # tuple from: 'xmp', 'bin', 'dng' (format: ['xmp', 'dng'])
Electron export: []     # tuple from: 'xmp', 'bin'
Noise export: []        # tuple from: 'xmp', 'bin' (expressed in number of e-)
Signal export: []       # tuple from: 'xmp', 'bin'
Processed export: []    # tuple from 'jpg', 'png', 'tiff', 'bmp' 'hdr'

xmp format corresponds to files that can be opened using Virtual Photometric Lab.

bin format corresponds to binary files that can be loaded using a Python script:
  • using 'fromfile' function from the 'NumPy' library
  • data type is np.uint16 for all outputs except Noise export which is np.int16
Important: Signal export and bin format are available only from the updated version of Speos Sensor System Exporter that you can download from this link.

Example: You want to get Raw export as dng and xmp, plus Processed export as hdr, and neither Electron export nor Noise export

Raw export: ['xmp', 'dng']
Electron export: []
Noise export: []
Signal export: []
Processed export: ['hdr']
Note: Export keys with no tuple [ ] can be omitted.

Save previous

If Save previous is set to True and if a result with a same filename already exists, then the previous result is renamed with additional suffix that contains the original date/time of file creation.

If Save previous is set to False or if not set at all, the previous result is replaced by a new one.


The HDR key is used only in case of HDRI processing. The sub keys define the tone mapping to compress HDR data into standard image:
  • Min: positive number between 0 and 1. 0 has no effect.
  • Ratio: positive value. 1 has no effect.
  • Gamma: positive value. 1 has no effect.

The corresponding code is:

# hdr_image coded as float in [0, 1] interval
Compressed_image = ((np.clip(hdr_image - offset, 0, 1))*ratio)**(1/gamma)