Speos Core Overview

Speos Core allows you to run exported simulations (*.speos file) out of Speos.


The main benefit of externalizing a simulation is the ability to perform parallel processing while still being able to use Speos.

Two main types of external simulations can be used to run exported simulations (*.speos files) using the Speos Core interface:
  • Local Update: runs the simulation with Speos Core on your workstation.
  • Network Update: runs the simulation with Speos HPC or Ansys Cloud.

Local Update

The Local Update allows you to run a simulation while keeping Speos available. The exported simulation is launched locally on the workstation by using the Speos Core interface.

Depending on the simulation export type used, the simulation results are generated in the .speos directory (Export) or both in the .speos directory and in Speos tree (Linked Export).

Network Update

The Network Update allows you to run a simulation with Speos HPC or the Ansys Cloud service while keeping Speos available.

Whether your network corresponds to a Linux cluster, a Windows cluster or the Ansys Cloud service, the network configuration is performed directly from the Speos Core interface.

Once the network environment is configured, simulations can be exported and run using two different methods:

  • Manual method: Export the simulation manually using Export or Linked Export, then run it through Speos Core.

    This option allows you to specify and adjust the settings used for the simulation during the job submission.

  • Automatic method: Launch the simulation using the Speos HPC Compute command from the Speos interface.

    This command combines a Linked Export and a job submission.

    Note: Before using this command, you need to create a first simulation to submit in order to configure the cluster for Speos HPC or Ansys Cloud.