Applying a Material from the Tree

This procedure helps you apply a Volume/Surface Optical Properties material (VOP/SOP) on bodies or Face Optical Properties material (FOP) on faces directly from the tree.

To apply a material on a geometry:

Tip: Right-click a Material and click Select associated geometry to highlight in the 3D view the geometries on which the material is applied.
  1. In the 3D view or in the Structure tree:
    • if you want to apply a Volume/Surface Optical Properties material, select one or more bodies.
    • if you want to apply a Face Optical Properties material, select one or more faces.
  2. In the Speos Tree, use [CTRL + left-click] to select the material to apply, then right-click the material.
    [CTRL + left-click] on the material avoids losing the selection of the element(s) on which to apply the material.
  3. Click Apply material to geometry.

  4. If a material is already applied on the element(s) on which you want to apply the selected material, a prompt message asks you if you want to replace it. Click OK to replace the material.

The material is applied to the bodies or faces selected.