Reading the HTML Report (Random Search)

The following page lists and describes all the information contained in an HTML report that includes the summary of all the variables, targets, parameters, and the results of all the evaluations that have been performed during the process, and the best solution.

You can find the HTML report under the SPEOS output files folder of the project.

Note: The following HTML report corresponds to the report for a Random Search optimization.

Time Analysis

The Time Analysis section provides you with the date and time of the initialization/termination and duration of the optimization.


Variables section sums up all the variables used in the simulation as well as their Min value and Max value.

Note: Do not consider the Precision column as it is not used.


Targets section sums up all the targets select, targets value, and weight.


Parameters sums up the parameters defined according to the Optimization mode selected.

In case of a Random search optimization the Merit function is developed.


Evaluations lists for each iteration all the variable values used, the values found for each target and the Merit function value.

The best solution is highlighted in green.

In case of a Random search optimization, if Keep intermediate results is set to True, then you have direct link to download the XMP results from the HTML Report.


Results repeat the best solution found (highlighted in green in the Evaluations section).