Global Preferences
Global preferences are settings that apply to all of the integrated applications within the Granta MI web application (One MI) workspace. A change to global preference will change it in the current application and in all the other applications as well.
Application language
You can choose the language for the application user interface.
Note that choosing a different application language here may not change all of the text you can see in the application.
Number separators
- Decimal separator
- Choose the symbol used to separate to separate the integer part from the fractional
part of a number when viewing and entering numeric data. For example:
- 20.772 (Decimal separator = period)
- 20,772 (Decimal separator = comma)
- Group separator
- The symbol used as the thousands separator in digit grouping when viewing and
entering numeric data. The same symbol cannot be used as the group separator and
decimal separator.
- 122000 (Group separator = none)
- 122 000 (Group separator = space)
- 122,000 (Group separator = comma)